Dear Eero, Doggy, Stone Bird, Harbour Manager (I forget Your Name!!!), Pretty Woman in Coffee of Ruhnu Building (Whereever we go We always are here)!!!
If You have any Computer, any access to Internet (does not matter with or without WiFi), please visit my own site:
There will be one link "HAM_Radio".
Please be so kind and click on this link once. You'll see my 41 viewpoints on my first challenge to DX-peditions like this one.
It was a great pleasure to move my illness physical body as material EGO to Ruhnu, to represent Ruhnu Island in World Championship of Amateur Radio, organised by RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain) in Programme IOTA (Islands On The Air) sponsored by ICOM every year in third full weekend of July.
AFAIK (As Far As I Know) there were no presentations of Ruhnu since 2000. And I did it!!!
So I hope that Eero (who installed for me 220/50 in few minutes), the eldest son of Harbour Manager who helped me to built up mast of my Antennae at balcony, and youngest son of Harbour Manager who explain me that drinking water can be taken from Crane (not from Harbour aquatory as I did first 36 hours) were not afraid from my presence these few hours.
I hope that Eero Post Office Box will be enough wide to receive my little brown THANK YOU (no, no, not Bear, not Chocolade) for You, my dear Eesti Poised. Tenaan, palun. Sorry, Estonian is not my native language.
With hope to return to Ruhnu in next Year, Peeter.